We're here for Transport Workers
Our website provides users with a range of security practices.
The Credit Union's website and Internet Banking service is protected by sophisticated firewalls with adaptive security algorithms (ASA) which maintain the secure perimeters between the websites and the Internet. This provides full firewall protection that conceals the architecture of the internal networks from the outside world including protection against attacks.
The Credit Union website is hosted with one of Australia's leading managed IT service providers: Fujitsu. Further information on the security features of Fujitsu's hosting solution can be found at their website www.fujitsu.com.au
Whenever you use our Internet Banking service or submit information to us using one of the main online forms available on our website, your information is protected by banking industry standard 128-bit SSL (Secure Socket Layer) encryption. Encryption is a process of scrambling information using random mathematical algorithms ensuring that only the credit union can receive this information in an understandable format. SSL is a protocol developed by Netscape that enables a web browser and a web server to communicate securely. Security is provided in two different ways:
You can identify whether the Internet Banking session is secure or encrypted when you see a padlock in the bottom right corner of your browser window. Clicking on the padlock will also provide you with details on the Security Certificate pertaining to the encrypted session.
The combination of the Credit Union's SSL-enabled web server and a valid security certificate provides you with three things:
You can be assured that the company that installed the certificate is the true owner of the website.Message privacy
Using a unique session key, SSL encrypts all information exchanged between your computer and our web server. This ensures that personal information cannot be viewed if intercepted by unauthorised persons.Message integrity
The data cannot be tampered with over the InternetFor your further protection, our Online Banking system has been set to automatically "log out" after 2 minutes if your banking session remains unattended. This means that should you leave your computer for any reason for longer than 2 minutes whilst conducting an Internet Banking session, the system will end your session to ensure that no-one else can access your personal information in your absence
In your Internet Banking Service after 3 incorrect attempts, access will be locked. This is to ensure that there is no unauthorised access to your account details.
If your account becomes locked, it will then be necessary to contact us to request that your Internet Banking access be reinstated.
To avoid incorrect password attempts, we strongly recommend that you have a password of your own choosing which will be easy for you to remember, and that you should also be aware that the passwords are case sensitive so you need to check your Caps Lock key.
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If you are still experiencing difficulties with your Internet Banking Service or our web page, please contact us on: (02) 8202 8555 during business hours or e-mail us at members@transportmutual.com.au and we will address any issues during normal business hours.
Our Internet Banking system also provides you with information on the date and time of your last session. This allows you to check the most recent session each time you use Internet Banking to ensure that nothing is out of the ordinary.
As a further protection, you can select to receive email confirmations of actions you undertake through our Internet Banking service such as external transfer, bill payments and a change to your email address.