Solar energy can help you dramatically reduce the running costs of your property, especially if you live in the warm parts of Australia. To find out how much money you can save with solar energy, there are a number of factors that need to be considered:

• Your average energy consumption
• Usage patterns
• Your feed-in tariff rate
• The size of the solar energy system you install
• Where you live

Your Average Energy Consumption

You can easily determine how much electricity you use by looking at the back page of your last power bill. The amount of electricity you consume will be shown in kilowatt hours (kWh). This is the first step in determining how much you can save with solar energy as well as which system is right for you.

Typically, larger properties or households with higher energy demands will require a solar energy system around the 5kW range or higher.

A 5kW system in Australia generates between 18kW/h - 25kW/h (depending on your region) of solar electricity on average per day.

You should refer to your bill to see how many kW/h or units you are currently using.

Usage patterns

Your solar energy system will produce electricity during daylight hours and any excess electricity generated is fed back into the grid unless you have a solar battery or other location to divert the energy to. Your energy provider will credit you for the export of power and this credit helps offset your power bills.

The clean electricity created by your solar energy system is always used in your home before power from the grid. If your home uses more electricity than what your solar energy system can provide, it will then source grid power.

The Size of The solar energy System You Install

The size of the solar energy system you install has a great impact on the amount of money you save. It’s important to choose a system that is large enough to cover your power usage, lessen your payback period and maximise return on investment (ROI).

Larger solar energy systems, such as a 5kW unit, will produce significantly more power than a smaller, 2kW system for example.

On the other hand, installing a system which is too large will mean you’re exporting a surplus of power back into the grid. Now that feed-in tariffs are lower, you will be selling power back to your energy provider for much less than the costs of your electricity rates.

Finding a system which suits your property size and consumption behaviour is the key to saving money.

Where You Live

Australia enjoys the highest solar radiation per square metre of any continent in the world. As a result, there’s plenty of opportunity for us to harness the power of the sun.

Your geographic location will influence the energy production of your solar energy system and ultimately, how much you can save. For example, solar energy systems installed in Queensland will yield more solar electricity than an equivalent unit installed in Melbourne.

In other words, in one region where solar radiation is stronger you may install a 2kW system, while in a region with less solar radiation, a 3kW unit will be necessary to achieve the same results.

The table below demonstrates what a 3kW system will save on average per annum. The two values indicate the average savings based on 5% and 25% export of electricity

Estimations on annual FIT & Offset values are provided from the Clean Energy Council of Australia.

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